
Reserve Investments & Inflation

How to properly deal with inflation in your HOA and make safe reserve investments that preserve your reserve fund!
Reserve-Study-Basics Webinar-Learn-how-a-Community-Association-Reserve-Study-can-help-keep-Insurance-Costs-down

Reserve Study Basics Webinar: Learn how a Community Association Reserve Study can help keep Insurance Costs down!

See how a Reserve Study for community associations can help avoid deferred maintenance and keep insurance costs down.

“Is Your Association Fiscally Responsible?” with Russell Munz, CMCA

These are the financial best practices and the 4 reports that help you know where the money is, where it is going, and where it is not supposed to go!

Auditor Insights – Tips from a Pro

Join us to learn how to make wise financial and record-keeping decisions throughout the year that will save your HOA time & money!

Reserve Study Insights for Industry Professionals

Know how to leverage your Reserve Study to serve your clients more effectively, and how those efforts lead HOAs toward an improved future.

The Case for Adequate Reserves with Joel W. Meskin and George Nowack

Join us for this thought-provoking discussion with 3 industry veterans from the field of Reserves, Insurance, and Law!

Fiduciary Duty – What it is (and isn’t)

Learn what a Fiduciary is, the 3 attributes of a Fiduciary, and what that means with respect to owners, split HOA board decisions & establishing priorities.

Reserves to the Rescue?

Amidst current unusual times, learn how to run properly even when going against standard best practices. From preserving, re-allocating, & saving cash!

Hallmarks of Successful Boards & Board Members with Kelly Richardson

Learn the skills in the area of expectations, values, and a correct understanding of rules and responsibilities for a successful HOA board.

Boards – Don’t Make these Mistakes! with Kelly Richardson

Tips to avoid major, unnecessary leadership & financial mistakes community association boards & managers make all too often.

Conflict at Your Association? You Don’t Say! with Kelly Richardson

Tips to identify and avoid causes of conflict at your HOA and changes you can make to your expectations, language, or actions that will make a difference!

Your Association and the FHA – What’s in it for me? with Eric Boucher

The benefits of your association becoming FHA approved, if FHA approval is suitable for your association, and what is needed to become FHA approved.

Underfunding Reserves and Business Judgement Rule with David Firmin

Unlock the keys to minimizing a boardmember’s personal liability exposure while making important reserve funding decisions.

Tight Budgets, Tough Choices with Adrian Adams

Effectively set the right income for a balanced HOA budget, and understand the “safe harbor” for your reserves!

Legal Side of Reserve Studies Part I with Adrian Adams

Why get a reserve study, who controls what’s in it, how doeNational Reserve Study Standards affect State Laws, and an outline of Boardmember and Manager responsibilities.

Legal Side of Reserve Studies Part II with Adrian Adams

Watch Robert & HOA legal expert Adrian Adams from Adams Kessler continue their conversation about the legal issues surrounding Reserve Studies.

Reserves & D&O Insurance with Kevin Davis

What decisions are covered by D&O insurance? What constitutes a wise or bad decision? Let's look at D&O insurance coverage with examples of fiscal responsibility and reserves.

Reserve Planning and Construction Defect Litigation with Loura Sanchez and Joe Smith

Facing HOA construction defects? Let's address the conflicting priorities boards, managers, and owners are confronted with.