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Past Webinars

Can We Choose to Under-Reserve?

Boards are free to choose how to fund Reserves. Typically Governing Documents require the Board to collect “adequate” or “sufficient” Reserves to care for the association’s common areas.

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Reserve Fund Strength (% Funded)

Reserve Fund Strength is a calculated ratio that compares the actual amount in Reserves to the current value of Reserve Component deterioration. In this eBook, you’ll learn: -How much is enough for your Association -Fully Funded Balance basics -What % Funded means and how to calculate it -Why % Funded matters

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Is Your Reserve Fund On Pace?

It’s getting to be that time of year when most Community Associations begin the annual process of planning and adopting next year’s financial budget. For associations small and large, whether condo, HOA or otherwise, this is arguably the most difficult and most important task that Boards and their Managers will tackle in the course of doing business.

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