eBooks, Articles, & More

Why Paint Stucco?

Stucco is a rough substance, containing cement, sand, water and lime, used for covering the exterior walls of a building and is very common in Southwest states.

A Sci-Fi Reserve Study Site Inspection

Recently, I was on my way to perform a Reserve Study Site Inspection for a mid-rise condominium in downtown Los Angeles.

The Value of a Reserve Study Site Inspection

“Why do you need to come see our property?” is a typical question asked by new board members when a Reserve Specialist is preparing to conduct a site inspection at a property.

Why Update a Reserve Study Annually?

At this time of year, many Boardmembers and Managers are asking themselves this very question.

What can Reserve Funds be Used For in 2020?

Good question! There are two ways to answer a question regarding the appropriate use of Reserve Funds in 2020, depending on how it is asked. But first, it helps to know what the purpose is of a Reserve Fund. All buildings begin to deteriorate the moment they are built. Anyone who owns a home quickly learns that they are guaranteed to have repair costs and replacement expenses down the road. But owners of homes in Association-governed communities face a unique challenge.

Why Would You Do A Thing Like That?

A multi-yr client of ours, a 30-unit condominium townhome property about 20 years old, recently asked for a revision to their Reserve Study.