eBooks, Articles, & More

Penny Wise and Pound Foolish

Clients often ask, “When is the appropriate time to replace a reserve component?” A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of working with an Association client with this exact dilemma.

When it Comes to Irrigation, it Pays to be Smart

For many homeowners, keeping your property aesthetically appealing is an important part of owning a home, and that starts with choosing the right irrigation controllers.

Deferred Maintenance, Choose Wisely!

A Boardmember recently asked what defines “too far” with respect to choosing to do a Reserve project on time or to defer the project. In other words, when do deferred repairs get to the point of the Board dangerously incurring liability and financial risk?

Capital Improvements vs Reserve Expenses

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How Much Does a Reserve Study Cost?

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Reserve Expenses vs Operating Expenses

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